Saturday, January 2, 2016

January Currently

Listening: Have you ever been driving around running errands and you heard a song from 15 years ago and thought to yourself "this is really good, why isn't more music like this these days". Well my friends, you are officially old like me. It's sad, but most of the music I like these days is 10 - 15 years old. Who knew that it would make me feel so old to be 31.

Loving: Having enough of everything I need. People asked me what I wanted for Chirstmas this year. The truth was that I could not think of a thing that I actually needed. It's nice when I have moments of awareness like that. 

Thinking: Improving my teaching! I've got action steps to come up with. Tomorrow I need to write my project proposal for my graduate school class on how I am going to improve my classroom management. 

Wanting: To go have fun. But, I'm not going to.

Needing: To go to bed. I really do need to go to bed at a decent time. My New Year's Resolution is to get up and go to the gym before work. I need to start really working on taking care of myself. Lack of self care contributes big time to new teacher burn out.

One Little Word: Nostalgia. Blame it on the time of year, but I have been thinking a lot about all the good times that have passed. This Christmas break was another good one for the books. I went to visit a friend in New Mexico, was in a holiday parade with my neice, read some good books, spent Christmas Day with my family, went golfing with my Dad, and got some work done. It may sound a little dull, but I like dull. 

Happy New Year's folks! 


  1. I like your one little word!!! Do you golf a lot? I have clubs, but have only taken a few lessons.Good luck on your project proposal.


  2. Thanks for the warm wishes. I just golf with my Dad, I've never taken lessons before and am honestly not very good. It's fun though, as long as you're not keeping score.

  3. Love Third Eye Blind!! I saw them in concert when they were hot stuff!!!
